Home again

By GD. - 21/02/2009 22:11 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me. I cried and told him that I loved him. He gave me a quarter and told me to call someone who cared. I threw the quarter in his face and ran. I waited for the bus, but when I got on, I realized I was 25 cents short of the fare. I walked home in the rain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 299 697
You deserved it 67 543

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CanadAssassiN 0

Oh my gosh, that's horrible. That's makes me want to cry... I hope you feel better... i~i

#3 were also always thinking of head ;)


aww you poor girl :( Im so sorry that happened to you :( Everyone deserves a guy that treats them nicely... and that guy was a big jerk :(

Where would you even find a payphone these days?

silentfirefly 0

Little too cliche and melodramatic to be believable.

LifeSUCKS143 0

F*** HIM I HOPE HE GETS AN STD..........

member0987654321 0

well u did the right thing....i would never use those 25 cents

Dropbear_fml 0

I don't believe you or your story.

localmusabi 0

aww. :( i feel for you.. I hope you find a better man!

Wow thats the only story here ive ever felt sympathy for. im really sorry that happend to you