Home again

By GD. - 21/02/2009 22:11 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me. I cried and told him that I loved him. He gave me a quarter and told me to call someone who cared. I threw the quarter in his face and ran. I waited for the bus, but when I got on, I realized I was 25 cents short of the fare. I walked home in the rain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 299 703
You deserved it 67 544

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CanadAssassiN 0

Oh my gosh, that's horrible. That's makes me want to cry... I hope you feel better... i~i

#3 were also always thinking of head ;)


weavermycutecat 0

that guy was a.....u get the idea

Make sure your next boyfriend cares more. And get an umbrella to be sure.

girls can be jerks and are more often don't be saying that about males in general i would never do something like this

#27, how about you shut up? I hate your kind. The girls who always complain "Guys are assholes!" "Why have us women been cursed with guys?!" In case you had any common sense, asshole is a two way street. All women always complain, most of them always seduce the men they want, 46% of women have cheated in a relationship (I have a list of women problems so if you want me to go on, please just ask). Please check your facts before commenting. Acting like women have it so bad..who the **** do you think you are?!

lexy216 0

hope you feel Better! it will b ok!

I'm lesbian, but the switchblade is reserved for prick faced guys.

slushpup9696 12

Yes, guys can be jerks but we don't know enough to assume this guy is. The OP could actually be a psychotic ex girlfriend under the delusion that she was dating him.

lalax33 0