
By Anonymous - 19/02/2022 06:00

Today, my now ex-husband admitted in open court that the only thing he misses about me is the income from the chain restaurants my parents willed to me. I raised his kids for thirteen years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 042
You deserved it 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you expect him to confess his undying love for you? The best thing for both people to do during a divorce is move on as best they can. Even if he does miss things about you, it's probably not helpful to tell everyone about it, especially in court. Getting divorced sucks, and it's painful, and your ex is still capable of hurting you even after it shouldn't matter. With enough distance, you'll see that his opinion of you doesn't matter as much as it did, and you can start looking forward instead of back.

At least he'll miss one thing about you. Did he have a uterus to pop out kids?


Did you expect him to confess his undying love for you? The best thing for both people to do during a divorce is move on as best they can. Even if he does miss things about you, it's probably not helpful to tell everyone about it, especially in court. Getting divorced sucks, and it's painful, and your ex is still capable of hurting you even after it shouldn't matter. With enough distance, you'll see that his opinion of you doesn't matter as much as it did, and you can start looking forward instead of back.

Scribbly 11

At least he'll miss one thing about you. Did he have a uterus to pop out kids?

There are a lot of women out there in divorce proceedings saying essentially the same thing about their soon to be ex husbands: the only thing I’ll miss is the money he makes.