He enjoyed himself way too much

By Galo - 30/01/2022 19:58

Today, I had to clean cum from one of the seats of the movie theater where I work at as a cleaner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 385
You deserved it 118

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What was the movie? Yuck in general. But if it was Encanto, extra yuck!

mccuish 25

I’ve had to clean cum before at work. I work at a bar. The cum was on 3 of the tables after a busy Friday night


What was the movie? Yuck in general. But if it was Encanto, extra yuck!

mccuish 25

I’ve had to clean cum before at work. I work at a bar. The cum was on 3 of the tables after a busy Friday night

only management is certified to clean that. just a little FYI for next time.