
By blue - 25/08/2012 21:59 - United Kingdom - London

Today, my swimming coach made us swim fifty laps non-stop as punishment for his previous class being unable to swim a drill properly. They're 8-11 year olds who are still learning to swim. I feel like my arms and legs are filled with lead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 230
You deserved it 2 355

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KingCeltic77 18

What an ass. Either way he's the teacher, it's his fault they can't swim.

ciumegu 6

Look on the bright side at-least you are building some muscle


jenniiienyc 5

Yeah, your coach doesn't have a brain. I love when teachers don't understand their classes are different.

I suggest you get a pipe an lead him into a nearby lake! It always works for me, takes care of the body too.

*Sigh* ANOTHER SqueakyChipmunk copycat? Are people THIS strapped for original ideas? Holy shit, this is getting ridiculous and annoying.

Mhm, but this one is here to stay...through any number of down-votes.

ManInTheMachine- Don't say copycat! I find it offensive. And who else copied Squeaky anyways?

With his patience/tolerance, I'm not sure if he's suitable to be a swim coach.

Bmck112 4

Ok, so it sucks that he punished you for something unrelated, but it sounds like you got a really good workout in. It seems like everybody that's saying he is a dick doesn't realize his job is to make you better and that's what he's doing. Every coach has their own style.

PYLrulz 17

I get that... IF OP's group was the ones screwing around! We are talking about punishing a group of people for something a bunch of beginners can't do! It's like an Algebra teacher giving a class a Calculus assignment for homework because a first grader couldn't do subtraction.

Bmck112 4

Algebra teachers aren't supposed to make their students better at calculus. However, swimming coaches are supposed to make their swimmers better at swimming.

Fifty laps isnt even that bad...try fifty consecutive laps of butterfly with ten pushups at the end of each and then complain. I mean that much swimming just makes you a better swimmer anyway

bigz514620 2

That is exactly what I was thinking

At least someone knows what they're talking about. 50 Laos is nothing. Try a 6k workout 9 times a week

I dunno. I think that's an awful lot of Laos. One is enough for me!

If op is whining after having to swim only 50 laps continuously, then they really have no idea what an actual swimmer does for their average workout...

I completely agree. This would be an awesome swim practice for me. My average swim practice is 10X harder

Your coach sounds like a major douche-canoe.

Thank you for genuinely making me laugh. "Douche-canoe" is definitely a new one for me! For once I can say "lol" with an actual smile on my face.

PYLrulz 17

There's times when you need to challenge authority and tell them to piss off. This is one of those times

Been there and done that. It's not that hard and you feel good at the end!

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming....

Yep...lacrosse...first day of tryouts, jv coach shows up an hour late, no less. Talk about setting a bad example.