Special Snowflake Kitty

By MissKitty - 10/03/2017 04:00

Today, I found out why I couldn't properly breathe nor sleep for the past 2 days. I'm allergic to the new kitty litter. This is the special litter I had to buy because my snowflake cat is allergic to all the other brands. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 027
You deserved it 703

Same thing different taste

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I like how you call your cat a snowflake for being allergic to littler… in your FML about being allergic to litter yourself.

Maybe you could get an enclosed litter tray.


Take a second to rethink all your life decisions.

Get a gas mask and you'll be ok. You owe it to your cat, right?

I like how you call your cat a snowflake for being allergic to littler… in your FML about being allergic to litter yourself.

Maybe you could get an enclosed litter tray.

I am a twat 2

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Why are the edgy kids from ifunny coming here?

OP, you should wear gloves and a mask when you clean the litter. I recommend that you do it before you shower and then go right away to the shower. At the least wash your hands very well after. I have allergies and I find that helps.

Put the litter in a different room. Find a dust free litter your cat can use. Two solutions to consider

**** all the other comments. There's a way to train your cat to use the human toilet. No litter needed. Google it. Everybody wins

0r it's time to choose ... your life or your cat ... lol

i love how no one thinks about the cat using the litter OP is allergic to and getting the dust on uts fur and paws and then walking all over the house, furniture, and OP being the root of the problem not just if OP has to touch the litter or be in the same room. OP they have alternatives like shredded paper, shavings, and pellet litter. i would try one of those.