Grammy award winner

By blow away - 28/07/2014 04:36 - United States - Middletown

Today, my husband played a recording of me breaking wind in my sleep to my whole family at the dinner table. To make matters worse, it was a compilation of different noises from over a long period of time. My family was horrified and my husband seemed proud of himself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 354
You deserved it 4 566

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He should have made them into a song. That's the only acceptable way to listen to such noises.

Destroy it before it hits youtube...if it's not too late.


Do it too Him.. My fiancee has done this too me, so i take pictures of him and post it on fb.

Well, It sounds like your husband made quite an impression on your family, to say the least. And your husband is awesome.

It sucks that he did that to you but poor guy has to sleep next to you every night should feel a little bad for him to.

u deserve it. why u farting? control that tish. lol

upallnight11 19

Were they blown away by it?

vividpictures 17

This made me laugh uncontrollably and I have no idea why.

Wondering...are you Male or Female OP? Not to discriminate, just posing a question.

your husband's an ass HA GET IT?!?! but really, that sucks