The anti Jackson Galaxy

By Anonymous - 04/09/2021 19:59

Today, I was feeding my neighbor's cat while they are out of town. As I set the food down, the cat bit me, drawing blood. I reflected that although I'm all that stands between it and starvation, even the cat doesn't want to be my friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 916
You deserved it 137

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hopejm 5

the poor thing is confused. their humans have disappeared and they don't know why. if you have the time, sit on the couch with a magazine or the TV and some treats beside you. the cat may just warm up to you for some comfort. good luck making a new friend.

Doom_Kitty 12

Cats are solitary so they just don't understand the concept of being relied on someone. The cat just understands that there is someone standing in their territory who's usually not there. I bet you would bite, too, if that happens in your apartment^^


hopejm 5

the poor thing is confused. their humans have disappeared and they don't know why. if you have the time, sit on the couch with a magazine or the TV and some treats beside you. the cat may just warm up to you for some comfort. good luck making a new friend.

You being alive, that is. If the cat kills you, it'll be eating good for weeks!

Doom_Kitty 12

Cats are solitary so they just don't understand the concept of being relied on someone. The cat just understands that there is someone standing in their territory who's usually not there. I bet you would bite, too, if that happens in your apartment^^

it's not that deep lol. cats can be assholes sometimes.