Girl boss

By dating walter white's gf apparently - 06/04/2013 19:13 - United Kingdom

Today, while going down on my girlfriend, I finally managed to give her an orgasm. During that orgasm, she tore out a clump of my hair, causing me to scream in pain. She scowled and said, "Ah shut it, ya little bitch." FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 092
You deserved it 13 413

Same thing different taste


Joey_Fingers 4

thinly veiled bragging at it's best suck my balls mods, thanks for understanding! guess she wears the pants 'ey? she could tone it down a bit...:/

But Skylar is Walter White's wife, not girlfriend! (in reference to the username)

*steve Irwin voice* "She's angry! She's angry!"