By Anonymous - 07/02/2015 02:32 - Netherlands - Amsterdam

Today, my new boyfriend and I really wanted to have sex, but he went soft as soon as he entered me. This happens every time we try. I feel cursed by my year-long dry spell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 865
You deserved it 4 541

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I know that feeling, was the same with my Ex. After a few weeks of trying, he finally told me he was still a virgin and scared of his first time (even though he really wanted to, I didn't pressure him or anything). A few nights later it suddenly worked =) Might be a similar problem with your bf, just don't pressure him or think it's your fault.

Of course I do. You tie it tightly between two sticks, place it gently inside a ******, sit very still and wait patiently for five minutes, and then it releases magic tadpoles when the man pees out of it into the woman's belly. Then, nine months later, the baby comes out of the woman's belly button.


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Rise and shine, Mister Freeman. Rise and... shine. let's just say your hour hasn't... cum again.

#59: It's Morgan's younger brother, Gordon Freeman. He's one of those geeky physics types. Also, he's adopted.

Stephencharis 14

pardon my ignorance, what does she mean by the 'year long dry spell'...

hugozac88 22

Maybe he's just shy, keep at it and try lube maybe

A ****** doesn't become loose just from having sex. Do your research :P. If that was the case I'd feel so sorry for women who have given birth. (Seeing as a baby is much larger than a penis..hopefully at least)

Lol 63...nice try. yeah a woman's snatch definitely doesn't loosen up after delivery...yeah keep telling yourself that sweetheart

@63 He didn't even state that a ****** got loose from sex, lol.

Good advice. Try that, OP, if you haven't already.

#3 fumbles the ball but #6 comes in with the fast recovery!(Crowd roars with cheers).

incoherentrmblr 21

#4 is right! I've had a lot of friends who had this problem with boyfriends and there are soo many reasons it can happen that has absolutely nothing to do with you.

Of course I do. You tie it tightly between two sticks, place it gently inside a ******, sit very still and wait patiently for five minutes, and then it releases magic tadpoles when the man pees out of it into the woman's belly. Then, nine months later, the baby comes out of the woman's belly button.

Jesus **** that comment made me choke on my water

#20 proves that the sex ed in schools are pure propaganda, that's the real truth right there.

SpittinThisShit 8

Ask him if he's gay or a pedophile... If pussy makes you soft something really wrong with you.

It sounds like it might be a medical problem he should go see a doctor they have medication for that.

I know that feeling, was the same with my Ex. After a few weeks of trying, he finally told me he was still a virgin and scared of his first time (even though he really wanted to, I didn't pressure him or anything). A few nights later it suddenly worked =) Might be a similar problem with your bf, just don't pressure him or think it's your fault.