
By jemstuff - 22/08/2010 06:28 - United States

Today, at work, I stopped in my boss/boyfriend's office to find him getting intimate with a girl. He then told me that yes, he's cheating on me, that he's dumping me, and that I'm fired. Oh, and he is keeping the cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 162
You deserved it 6 584

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Burgessnk 0

I never understand why the new girl would stay with someone she now knows is a cheater. After all, cheaters never change...


shoulda stuck it up her ass willing or not

Take the cat before he can since he cheated on you

RavingRavyn 4

And THATS why you shouldn't date coworkers and NEVER date your boss. FYL cause you had to learn that obvious lesson the hard way.

CDogg1313 1

Sue him for firing you with Out a reason

hahafmls 8

That's why you don't date your boss... But still, that sucks.

Don't piss where you eat. Don't **** a man who signs your pay check. But now you can apply for unemployment... oh wait, nope you can't, cuz you were sleeping with the boss...

bizarre_ftw 21

Leave then and there and grab the cat/lock him out if both your names are on the lease, if it's just your name grab the cat first, then your stuff (and anything you guys bought together), and go