By 1danzo1 - 17/07/2009 10:12 - Australia

Today, I was getting a haircut. I had my foils in for about 10 minutes when the fire alarm went off. The building then started to fill with smoke and we evacuated. While outside watching the fire being put out, I forgot about my foils. I now have bright bleached yellow and orange hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 830
You deserved it 6 107

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well hello there hayley williams, it's nice to meet you.

You survived a fire, and got your hair bleached bright yellow and orange in the process. FYL? Really?


I don't see what youre complaining about. Most hair styles done with foils are hideous anyway.

perfectwinds 0

Yea.. Because all highlights are ugly. You're a freakin' ignorant moron. You probably couldn't tell foil work from an all over hair color if your life depended on it.

Um, how about being happy you didn't die in that fire?

elsieenchanted 0

Woah, that sucks. FYL.  But at least you didn't die :D

would you prefer they left you there and your hair got burned off like in that michael jackson video?

ManImCool 0
MarieMurder15 0
PinkStink 0

On the bright side... They can add purple toner to ur bleached part to take away the orangeness and then u can add ANY color you want! Even pink! Also, ur alive n still have hair :-)

KryptoniteKiss 0

At least you didn't die in the fire.

msval78 0

Why did you have foils in your hair if you were only getting a haircut?

Okay, are some people annoying, ignorant, or just plain dumb? She was getting her haircut, yes.. You can also get your hair dyed when you take a trip the to hairdressers, ****! News to you?! She probably just put 'haircut' rather than 'hair dyed', as force of habit, or perhaps she was getting that to.