By 1danzo1 - 17/07/2009 10:12 - Australia

Today, I was getting a haircut. I had my foils in for about 10 minutes when the fire alarm went off. The building then started to fill with smoke and we evacuated. While outside watching the fire being put out, I forgot about my foils. I now have bright bleached yellow and orange hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 830
You deserved it 6 107

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well hello there hayley williams, it's nice to meet you.

You survived a fire, and got your hair bleached bright yellow and orange in the process. FYL? Really?


I'd rather have yellow and orange hair than be in a hospital with 3rd degree burns..

At least ur alive better then looking weird

I can't believe so many people are saying this isn't an FML because she survived. That's like saying that if someone tripped and broke their nose, they shouldn't be complaining because they're "lucky to be alive". Please, it's still an FML because she still has bleach in her hair and she'll have to face the humiliation of sticking with her awful hair until she can get it back to normal.

Why does yellow and orange mean awful or ugly? Look at my hair. Is it awful?

Horde 8

Um, if there was a fire alarm and you were watching the fire being put out.. HOW the hell would you take your foils out? Would you just RUN right on home and do it? ....I cannot believe the stupidity of some of you people who post FMLs.

katiekatastrophe 0

...because that is so much more tragic than the place burning down get over it

wow, hope they didn't make you pay for it!

Make the person that started the fire pay to fix your [and anyone else's messed-up] hair.

dreadedone 0

So you where not even interviewed by the local TV station now that would have been shweet!!