
By Too available to be sexy - 04/05/2019 20:00

Today, during foreplay, my husband asked if I found him sexually attractive. When I asked him back, after a yes, he was silent for two minutes then went into a ten-minute philosophical discussion on the nature of attractiveness. He would find me more attractive if I wasn't his wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 686
You deserved it 325

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"You'd be more attractive if you weren't my wife." "I'm sorry?" "All I'm saying is, right now, it's sort of like I'm married to my sister. Obviously, you're not as sexy as she is, and since you're really my wife, it's not really taboo. That reminds me, I gotta call my sister when we're done."


So, did that kill the mood or make the eventual sex even hotter? Don’t laugh — nerd sex is the hottest!

"You'd be more attractive if you weren't my wife." "I'm sorry?" "All I'm saying is, right now, it's sort of like I'm married to my sister. Obviously, you're not as sexy as she is, and since you're really my wife, it's not really taboo. That reminds me, I gotta call my sister when we're done."

bl3ur0z3 17

Seems like a problem that can be solved.

Good thing love isn’t all about physical attraction and if the two of you really love each other you would make things work even if you weren’t all that attracted to each other at all

There's always going to be a level of physical attraction in a romantic relationship. It's usually the main reason people get together, then they fall in love once they start communicating, and bonding. If you don't find someone attractive, but like them for who they are, that's called friendship. Don't forget, many people consider a good sex life to be an important component in a successful relationship, and nobody wants to make the Beast with Two Backs with an actual beast. Except for a few who are sick in the head.

He’s too stupid. This is one case where lying is the best policy. He should have just said yes and move on with the sex.

Except if she asks "Do these pants make my butt look fat?" or "Do you think my sister is prettier than me?"

"Do I look fat?" "...Do I look stupid?"

Here are the proper answers since you are ****** either way. If you are going to be in the doghouse, at least let it be for a reason. Do these pants/dress make my butt look fat? No more than usual. Do you think my Sister is prettier? Only on the outside/

Angry sex is the best sex. Did you go totally ballistic?

Oh, you'd love "Rodeo Sex" That's where you enter your wife from behind, reach around, grab her breasts, then say "Gee your sisters are MUCH firmer. Then hang on for dear life.

Sounds like some roleplay as strangers might be in your future.