By 1danzo1 - 17/07/2009 10:12 - Australia

Today, I was getting a haircut. I had my foils in for about 10 minutes when the fire alarm went off. The building then started to fill with smoke and we evacuated. While outside watching the fire being put out, I forgot about my foils. I now have bright bleached yellow and orange hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 830
You deserved it 6 107

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well hello there hayley williams, it's nice to meet you.

You survived a fire, and got your hair bleached bright yellow and orange in the process. FYL? Really?


I hope you like anime cuz now your hair is gonna make you look like a cosplayer

mexican_chica 0

hahah if you go to an anime convention you'll fit rite in XD but i'm srry that ur hair turned out like that.

Cnote231 0

people could've been killed and all you care about is your hair? ydi for being a self-centered bitch!

hippiex23 0

i think you meant you were getting highlights, not a haircut...just sayin..

thats all you really care about? its JUST hair. you should be flad that you didnt get hurt in the fire and hope that noone else did as well.

a haircut to yellow hair - um im confuse

Thats awesome! Cool colors and at least they don't clash!

You survived a fire. This should be on Love my Life not FML.