Red flag

By Anonymous - 17/12/2023 00:00 - United States - Ontario

Today, I want a baby, but suddenly my partner says he doesn't want any kids because he already has a child. With another woman. He's not been part of the mother's or child's life in over 7 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 496
You deserved it 277

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And you want a child with a guy who doesn't give a damn about his own child?

he doesn't take care of the one he has and you really thought you were gonna be special? oh honey. you'll be a great single mother


And you want a child with a guy who doesn't give a damn about his own child?

Wanting or not wanting children is usually one of the first serious questions that a couple discuss early in their relationship - At least for adults. Failure to discuss this or to be honest about it is a serious relationship failure... OP, if your partner is a poor father to his current child, there is zero reason to believe he would be a good father to another child. If you want a child, cut your losses and end the relationship now. While this will likely be difficult, it's usually not a matter most people are willing to compromise on. Believe him when he says he doesn't want to be a father. Search your heart if having a child now or ever is important to you. You know what has to be done. By the way, I think what he's really saying is that he doesn't want another set of child support payments.

he doesn't take care of the one he has and you really thought you were gonna be special? oh honey. you'll be a great single mother

Hint: that bit about the 7 years is the red flag

Why would you want a kid with someone whose idea of Father of the Year is sperm donor only? Dumbest idea ever.