Fact of scratching

By Anonymous - 24/01/2020 14:00

Today, I was eating chips with my father. After I finished eating a chip I felt something between my teeth, It was pubic hair. I soon realized my dad was scratching his testicles while eating chips. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 405
You deserved it 306

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This feels like a repost but people have the capacity of being really gross, so the odds of another dad pulling this too is....very high. RIP.

I hope you didn't try the dip. If you don't know what smegma is, don't look it up.


I hope you didn't try the dip. If you don't know what smegma is, don't look it up.

This feels like a repost but people have the capacity of being really gross, so the odds of another dad pulling this too is....very high. RIP.

recently if it's just the male avatar with no username I assume it's a repost

Definitely a repost. I remember this one from years ago and made a mental note to keep my chips to myself.

WistayShlaio82 13

This is where she says “What are you doing step dad”

CaliBlitz0206 7
