Facebook drama

By fistycunt4 - 06/12/2014 20:22 - United States - Belmont

Today, I posted a picture of me without makeup on Facebook. A "friend" commented, "fuk me thts hideus!!" My dad replied, "Hideous, yes, just like your godawful spelling!" My mom yelled at my dad for agreeing with the guy, and they're still fighting. Meanwhile, my self-esteem is in the gutter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 314
You deserved it 3 784

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your friend doesn't seem like a very good friend.

That's when you defriend both of them, but take it as a grain of salt op. Opinions of idiots aren't valid, especially if they spell like that.


Cheer up op. In all probability your dad was trying to take your side. He just chose d wrong sentence.

Yeah, I read her dad's comment as being the equivalent of being something like a "..so's your momma!" type response.

I completely agree 47. I think he was trying to defend her and tell the friend he was an idiot, but just worded it wrong.

That's usually why it's better not to have your parents as friends on facebook

At least your jerk stood up for you. He could have worded it better, though

i_needa_username 17

Aw it's ok I'm sure u r beautiful

Every time I see a post like this with so many "You deserved it"s I just want to punch them all in the face. I mean cmon. Really?!

Somebody's getting a dictionary for Christmas. But really OP, they were probably just being a jerk and I'm sure you're lovely. Pretty sure the person who said that is probably no beauty queen either

Call me crazy but it seems like your dad made a fun of your friend more than making fun of you.

Dad should have said "daughter is beautiful, your grammar is as atrocious as your face though" that'd be an A+ dad sticker.