
By icybrent94 - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Arlesey

Today, I had some fun by joining a Harry Potter forum and making a thread saying it's all for little kids. When I checked back later, my post had been edited into me tearfully coming out of the closet, and some guy had said he'd passed my details on to Anonymous. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 293
You deserved it 41 177

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mehwhocares 9

Whoever did that is a genius. Kudos to you, defending the internet against malicious trolls.


whySkye 12

One does not mess with the Harry Potter fandom and get away with it. You're a special kind of stupid aren't you...

Harry Potter sucks (not trolling, i genuinely hate it)

I hope that The Dark Lord Voldemort will get to you.

Severus_Snape_ 23

In case you haven't noticed, life isn't fair.

Anonymous isn't a group or organization it's a ton of people who have never met and are good with computers and share the same values

I honestly don't enjoy Harry Potter. Just not my type of film. This is only a personal opinion so fangirls, back off

Get a life and quit trolling dude. Internet trolls are bigger lowlives than the people they make fun of.


YOU do realize that us anonymous don't just attack trolls right so whoever did that is a disgrace you the name

marina1996 5

guess next time you'll think before acting like a **** huh?

repKyle95 24

You're still a ******** for specifically joining a forum to attend ahir, but the Harry Potter love after everything JK has said is kinda... skeevy. Lol