
By pokie - 30/08/2009 05:38 - United States

Today, I told my boyfriend that my fantasy was for him to eat me out on the dinner table. My boyfriend told me his was me in a Pikachu costume. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 921
You deserved it 9 436

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, i must admit pokemon was incredibly cool back in the day and still kinda is. So essentially your Bf is awesome.


YourMom88 0

Is it wierd to say your boyfriend's fantasy is mine as well?

Dress up in a Pikachu costume and let him eat you out on the dinner table!

he might mean one of the sexy pikachu outfits, you can get lingerie ones. Don't ask how I know this.

Dress up in pikachu ears and tail with yellow lingerie. Then ask him if he would.

IDK what's with you, that's hot... for one time only

gracevet88 0
KingCeltic77 18