
By creepingjennie - 23/01/2022 23:01

Today, I discovered my ex has been signing my email up for various newsletters. I knew I was getting a lot of spam, but didn't know why. It became apparent when one of these emails had his name in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 978
You deserved it 107

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Newsletters? God forbid! Unless they are kiddie **** newsletters, your problem is nothing more than annoying. You can easily unsubscribe.

randybryant799 20

Oh no. However will you survive.


Newsletters? God forbid! Unless they are kiddie **** newsletters, your problem is nothing more than annoying. You can easily unsubscribe.

You could always get back at him. Two drops of a certain oil into his car airducts and he won't be driving it until he replaces the airducts/vents ;)

randybryant799 20

Oh no. However will you survive.