By Anonymous - 26/12/2009 08:17 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told his parents about my bondage fetish. In front of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 613
You deserved it 3 844

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Maybe they'll give you a dungeon as a wedding gift!


OMG that would be so awkward nand embarrassing... whats wrong with your bf?

00yoda4 0

Dad thinking 'That explains the handcuffs, whips and candle wax I found'

hellokittywhore 0

they probably was all " ohhemmgee!!!!! me too!!!" and pulled out their bondage toys! :D cuz bondage is funnnn :DD

No, they probably weren't all like that.

#5, a bondage fetish is when you get sexual plasure from being bound/tied up.

Oh. X3 I always thought it had to do with marriage... stupid me. X.x

Bondage= being tied up, or restrained in some way. Fetish= something that gives someone a sexual thrill, or sexual pleasure. Bondage Fetish= when someone has this type of Fetish, the get sexually aroused from being tied up, or restrained in some way.

Erindub 0

Well thats just plain embarrassing : ( sorry sweetie.

KingHumanity 0

Well? Tie him up and spank his ass! With your boobs.

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perdix 29

Maybe they'll give you a dungeon as a wedding gift!

OP- Wow, that's embarrassing. Had something similar happen to me once. FYL Shmeaty- Are you suggesting that you have no kinks or fetishes? If not, F YOUR life for having a boring sex life. Seriously, be a little bit more open minded about the interests of others, even if they don't match yours.