Easy mistake

By Anonymous - 26/03/2009 23:39 - United States

Today, I was at QuickTrip. As I was leaving, I passed a woman who was saying, "Stay!" very sternly through her open driver's side door. I smiled as I passed, saying, "Your dog wants to follow you huh? I've been there." She glared at me and said, "No. That's my son. He's mentally challenged." FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 004
You deserved it 26 094

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who the hell would leave their mentally challenged child alone in the car?!

RNCftw 0

what kind of mother says "stay" to her child? i don't care if he's mentally challenged or not, you don't talk to him like he's a pet.


lavidablows 0

1. It's not your fault at all. You had no way of knowing. 2. QT is the bombizzle.

missmishi08 0
tokyooo123 0

if you couldn't see inside the car, thats totally not your fault and the woman shouldn't have been insulted. plus who treats their mentally challenged kid like a dog..seriously

"Today, I was going into QuickTrip and since it wouldnt be long I decided to have my son stay in the car. As i was telling my mentally challenged son to stay in the car, someone said to me 'Your dog wants to follow you huh? I've been there.' FML"

Sounds like the kid's mom is retarded for leaving her challenged son in the car. AND she talks to him like a dog. What a douchebag parent.

TryToBeKind 0

Sorry, that's waht you get for sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. Mind your own business next time. Oh, and #47, I work with people with MRDD - using a long, polite-sounding sentence doesn't always work, sometimes the only thing that DOES get through is a stern, "STAY." (or something to that effect).

the mentally challenged arent really people

23, there's these things called tinted windows. or the lady might have been standing in front of the window. it's only natural to assume it's a dog she's talking about... how many people tell their mentally handicapped children to "stay" in a car, unsupervised? that lady is a total douchebag.

I agree with everyone. Why would you leave your mentally challenged kid unsupervised?

You probably wouldn't have assumed it was a dog if she hadn't been speaking to the child like it was an animal. Definitely her fault.