Dude, gross!

By Mojo0608 - 02/11/2014 21:28 - United Kingdom - London

Today, my 16-year-old brother once again scored well at a local archery competition. He got home and, once again, unleashed his "spectacular aim" at the toilet - or rather the toilet seat and surrounding floor. He refuses to clean the bathroom we share every single time he does this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 278
You deserved it 2 538

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Am I the only one who noticed how well this was written?


And then tell him one of his shirts was used for this purpose, but not which one...

skyeyez9 24

Why are most males so damn disgusting when it comes to using the bathroom? If you pee on the seat, wipe it off. And wipe your pubes off too. Dont leave them all over the seat. I hated having to share the bathroom with my brother. And the monster ***** he'd take in the morning. He would sit too far back on the toilet and the turd would always scrape against the toilet seat, leaving a clump there plus skid marks in the bowl. Parents need to teach their sons to clean up after themselves.

drc2010 13

next time put a bunch of plastic wrap on the entire toilet and let him piss all over himself then he will learn to pee correctly lol and man 16 and still doing it I'd tell his girlfriends if he ever has any lol

"Spectacular aim on the toilet seat and the surrounding floors" Does he do a friggin tribal dance when he pees??

If your the older brother kick his ass...if not, go to the gym, then kick his ass

Get a lock for the bathroom , and don't let him enter anymore

FreeRunn3r 12

How did this meaningless complaining turn into an FML, cry me a river, tell him to clean up after himself or he'll have to piss outside.