Driving me mad

By Anonymous - 18/05/2017 22:00

Today, unbeknownst to me, my wife cancelled our airplane tickets because she didn't want to face her fear of flying like we had agreed. Now, we're going to have to take another week off so I can drive 3000 miles cross country, while she sleeps in the shotgun seat because her licence expired. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 537
You deserved it 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why not try by train! The fear of flying is huge, and to be honest she may have agreed at the time to stop your asking. I don't know the whole situation, but I hope you can work it out!

Was it united airlines? If so sensible decision on her part!


Was it united airlines? If so sensible decision on her part!

Why not try by train! The fear of flying is huge, and to be honest she may have agreed at the time to stop your asking. I don't know the whole situation, but I hope you can work it out!

My dad never liked flying so we always got to Florida through the Autotrain which took our car along for the ride too.

I think you may need marriage counseling more than the trip. Do not go - Under the circumstances, this might be a personal disaster.

Get your kicks on Route 66! Let me know when you get to Flagstaff, Arizona, (don't forget Winona).

Knowing airlines, I bet you didn't even get a refund.

Hey OP. Does your wife not understand or realize that driving is more dangerous than flying? Let alone driving 3000 miles. She has a higher chance of being injured or dying from a car wreck than she does from a plane falling out of the sky. It's not common that planes crash, but it always makes headlines. Yet you don't hear about the thousands of car wrecks each day.

Attacksloth 33

Fears are based on perceived threats, not logic, so getting someone with a fear of flying to logically think about statistics wont work. What she needs is a good support network that will gradually ease her into exposing herself to her fear and thinking about the the fear without negative judgment... and even then, she has to be at a point in her life where she wants to take that step forward. She's not there yet. OP, yeah that's a bit of a piss-off, but I'd look into trains, or, if possible, try to talk your wife into taking an airplane again. Maybe not for this trip, but is it possible that you can plan a day trip where you do a one-hour flight and then go back? Spending money on that exposure could be worth it.

thatslifeiguess7 16

I would take her to the DMV to renew the license. They usually give you a temporary one that you can use until the real one comes in.