Doing the rounds

By Anonymous - 18/12/2009 20:33 - United States

Today, my best friend admitted to me that he and my girlfriend have been cheating behind my back for the past two months. The reason he finally admitted it? Because she's now cheating on him with another one of our friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 137
You deserved it 2 867

Same thing different taste


YayAmerica 0

Haha. I was just about to say "crime of passion."

yeah I'd do the same. just keep fking the shit outta her and pretend you don't know she's cheating on you so you can cheat on her guilt free. also alternatively what you could do is. Arrange it with one of your friends so that you're near their house and have access to it. Then when he's done fking ur gf go in there in give ur mate a hi5. She'll feel like the dirtiest bitch ever. *I've tried the 2nd option haven't had a chance again to try out the 1st one

thinmint 0


DreMaMa 0

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It is her way of saying she wants a gangbang. Now do your boyfriend duties and make it happen.