Dirty talk

By Anonymous - 22/07/2010 05:52 - United States

Today, while having sex for our first time, my boyfriend decided to test out a theory he heard about, that conversation during sex makes it more enjoyable. His way of doing it? He looked me straight in the eye and asked, "How 'bout them Brewers?" We're from Wisconsin. That's our local sports team. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 058
You deserved it 5 273

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bmadd 0

don't act like you didn't enjoy it

Yeah, that sounds like a Wisconsin person. he should have been doing you in the ass and said how about them Packers. now then it wood have made sense.


I played ball with their closer (John Axford) back when I was 15. I could hear his fastball from second base.

ttyler333 7
KoRnizKoOl 0

you probably enjoyed it. don't lie now OP. xD

I'm from Wisconsin and I would never say brewers during sex

At least he didn't call you his soulmate.

faitht101 0

lmao! ha that would definately kill the mood but atleast he was trying to make it good?

ANGELS ALL THE WAY! Even though they traded Anderson.