By Undefined - 01/01/2009 12:09 - France

Today, I was at a restaurant with my boyfriend. I look him straight in the eye and ask him: "What's the first thing you think about when you look at me?". His answer: "Can I finish my steak?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 332
You deserved it 8 639

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you feel the need to bait your man with odd, open-ended questions, you need to evaluate yourself- not him. I know where I'm coming from, as I used to do the exact same thing, putting out bait for one specific answer that would make me happy and of course, rarely receiving it. It was because I had issues myself, mostly self-esteem issues and self-loathing issues. You need to look at yourself and why you feel the need to do this. Men are simple, and are happy to remain simple, and you should let him eat his damn steak and enjoy time with his girl instead of putting him through a psychological evaluation.

Why would you ask such a question? If it's just the first thing that came into your head, maybe you should have thought about it harder. If you were doing it to test his love for you, you need to think hard about why you feel the need to do that. BTW, I'm a girl, so I hope you won't be offended when I say that there is pretty much no reason to ever ask that kind of thing.


hailhall 0

sounds like my boyfriend. one time i said- how much do you love me. he said- alot.

1384450244679 0

how the hell is this an fml? don't get all offended just cuz he doesn't want to talk with his mouth full..

lovemysnubber 0

let the man finish his steak. i'd have to take a guess and say your pretty needy

YDI for fishing for compliments. I hate people who do that.

Why would you ask such a question? If it's just the first thing that came into your head, maybe you should have thought about it harder. If you were doing it to test his love for you, you need to think hard about why you feel the need to do that. BTW, I'm a girl, so I hope you won't be offended when I say that there is pretty much no reason to ever ask that kind of thing.

Seriously... I hate when girls do that shit they deserve weird answers

NEVER get between a man and his steak. NEVER

If you feel the need to bait your man with odd, open-ended questions, you need to evaluate yourself- not him. I know where I'm coming from, as I used to do the exact same thing, putting out bait for one specific answer that would make me happy and of course, rarely receiving it. It was because I had issues myself, mostly self-esteem issues and self-loathing issues. You need to look at yourself and why you feel the need to do this. Men are simple, and are happy to remain simple, and you should let him eat his damn steak and enjoy time with his girl instead of putting him through a psychological evaluation.

you deserved that. let him eat, woman. and stop asking such idiotic questions.

Adam_B 0

Actually, you should appreciate that he's comfortable enough to be honest with you. And you know how you hear the stereotypes of guys who aren't always thinking about stuff? That's a lot of guys, and really, I'd say it happens to most guys at least sometimes. Sometimes it's just nice to unwind. Asking him a Cosmo question in the middle of that is like violently shaking awake someone who's sleep-waking, not a good situation.

jdkfgkjdfb 0

If I was a guy I'd say the same thing. Food first, weird questions later.

Never get between men and our steaks

steaks are good. I love them. But how hard can this be. Say "beautiful" and break out your A1 and let that hang for a bit. When the steak is done, you can talk about why she is. However, if you just can't stand to be interrupted from steak, have the conversation going beforehand so that she's talking enough so she's not asking general questions to fill the space.

most people don't realize that when a man is eating steak or bacon that is physically all that is able to be in our heads. its just like this "mmmm steak.....................mmmmmm steak.....................mmmmmmmm steak" playing over and over again. the simple fact that he was able to pull out of that thought pattern and politely ask to finish is a sign that he really cares about you. if someone i just met asked the same question to me i would just have answered "steak " and continued eating