This is a low

By Anonymous - 19/05/2017 17:08

Today, I hit a new low in my diet. There was a danish sitting on the table in the break room at work, and I wanted it. At the end of day, one of the guys threw it into the dumpster. Guess who just ate a dumpster danish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 481
You deserved it 5 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That... is not healthy. Time to talk to your doctor, because that sounds less like "wanted" and more like a compulsion.

Just... Buy a Danish like a grown up? What the heck is this? How does your diet have anything to do with this decision? Who are you to dumpster dive instead of buying a Danish? I'm so lost...


That... is not healthy. Time to talk to your doctor, because that sounds less like "wanted" and more like a compulsion.

Yeah, I also like a dumpster danish every now and again...

That's just not right. You took it long after the 5 second rule took effect!

The rats just nibbled it a bit, but because you ate it, they stayed on their diets. They'll thank you for "taking one for the team" when they reach their goal weights.

Dieting makes people miserable. Eat what you want just in moderation and screw diets.

Yup. When people fall off deprivation diets, they tend to fall hard, and it's extremely hard to resume such a diet. On the other hand, moderation is a whole lot easier to maintain than deprivation is. Use a calorie counter, and keep track of what percentage of your calories are coming from fat, carbs, and protein. You can work out a more sensible routine that won't send you dumpster diving.

Yup. When people fall off deprivation diets, they tend to fall hard, and it's extremely hard to resume such a diet. On the other hand, moderation is a whole lot easier to maintain than deprivation is. Use a calorie counter, and keep track of what percentage of your calories are coming from fat, carbs, and protein. You can work out a more sensible routine that won't send you dumpster diving.

No idea why that posted twice. When I hit Publish, FML gave a "Gateway timeout" error. When I refreshed, there were two copies of the comment.

Just... Buy a Danish like a grown up? What the heck is this? How does your diet have anything to do with this decision? Who are you to dumpster dive instead of buying a Danish? I'm so lost...

Viewerv 2

Apparently, there are anti establishment, artsy hippies who's objection to the man extends to living in squats and dumpster diving. Apparently, they even have dumpster diving parties. I guess it's extreme dedication to non-commercialism. I couldn't do it personally.

Druu 53

Dumpster diving is typically not considered a valid form of exercise. This is doubly true when you're dumpster diving for food.

This new low I suppose being the bottom of a dumpster?

Lobby_Bee 17

If the diet is too much, just dial it down a couple notches. Going full diet is not something most people can handle, take it slow and work into it.

Moderation is key in a diet. Desperation isn't.