Damn you, Ikea!

By xXrememberthisXx - 16/10/2023 06:30

Today, I attempted to assemble a piece of furniture that claimed to be "easy to build in minutes." Four hours and multiple arguments later, I realized I had misread the instructions, and half the parts were upside down. I'm pretty sure the furniture won this round. FML
I agree, your life sucks 230
You deserved it 713

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How much would they sell if they claimed to be "virtually impossible to build without weeks of training and special tools?"

HouseOfM 8

I hope this is exaggerated, I find it weird anyone would have that much difficulty with office furniture


How much would they sell if they claimed to be "virtually impossible to build without weeks of training and special tools?"

HouseOfM 8

I hope this is exaggerated, I find it weird anyone would have that much difficulty with office furniture