Thanks Dad

By Anonymous - 19/10/2022 06:00

Today, and every time I want to try something new, my dad starts pointing out why it’s a stupid idea, or how it will obviously go wrong, and gets himself so worked up that in the end he’s just shouting at me while I cower, yet it also makes him mad when I just sit in my room with no hobbies. FML
I agree, your life sucks 965
You deserved it 86

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cooltatgar 31

Try new hobbies without telling anyone, just surprise them with the results after you've mastered it.

Would “taking walks” count as a hobby he would not-yell about? It’s healthy and has the significant bonus of not being in the same room as him.


cooltatgar 31

Try new hobbies without telling anyone, just surprise them with the results after you've mastered it.

Would “taking walks” count as a hobby he would not-yell about? It’s healthy and has the significant bonus of not being in the same room as him.

clearly he is toxic and projecting work on getting your independence so it'll be easier setting boundaries

Your dad is a "crusher" who gets off on telling people how they'll fail. Once you come of age, sever all contact with him- abusers never get better.