
By Aleena Rashid - 20/06/2019 06:19

Today, I bought a flatpack, easy to assemble cot-bed for my baby. I spent 5 hours building it, but when it was done, I realised I couldn't reach into it because I'm 5ft and my arms can't reach and lift the baby. I'd have to throw him in. I'm suffering from back spasms as a result, and I now need to disassemble and return it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 762
You deserved it 391

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a waste! When you go back to IKEA, get some stilts (Shørtentäller) or a baby trebuchet (Kinderflïngen). They have everything!


This was my first thought too OP! A good step stool that isn't flimsy

That doesn't make your arms longer and thus it is still difficult to lift something from the bottom.

What a waste! When you go back to IKEA, get some stilts (Shørtentäller) or a baby trebuchet (Kinderflïngen). They have everything!

lmao nvm read it wrong -.-' thought it said cat bed

stepstool[ step-stool ] noun a low set of hinged steps, often folding into or under a stool, used typically in a kitchen for reaching high shelves. ORIGIN OF STEPSTOOL First recorded in 1945–50; step + stool

newgirl22 9

stack some pillows or folded blankets to raise the baby's bed higher so you don't have to reach down as far. easier than replacing the whole bed

If a baby can't move themselves yet it is dangerous to put them on a stack of pillows.

Runs the risk of SIDS with all those pillows and blankets though

Are you sure the side doesn't slide down? Cots usually have a side that can be dropped for precisely this reason.