Telenovela FML

By Anonymous - 22/05/2021 04:02

Today, my sister announced she’s pregnant with my husband’s baby. The worst part? It was a plot for revenge against me. She lied about being on birth control to baby trap him. The crime? Me beating her at our high school beauty pageant. Ten years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 370
You deserved it 203

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thatslifeiguess7 16

Step one get a divorce. Step two move far away from these people

Bhrugu 9

Oh that's ****** up on both your sister's and your husband's part. just leave him and go he doesn't deserve you


So he just meant to F your sister, but not to knock her up. I guess it would be easier to move past without the living, breathing, speaking evidence of past misdeeds.

Bhrugu 9

Oh that's ****** up on both your sister's and your husband's part. just leave him and go he doesn't deserve you

thatslifeiguess7 16

Step one get a divorce. Step two move far away from these people

Reggie89 2

Get a good lawyer and take everything you can from him

Yummi_913 18

The worst part is she's probably the kind of person to behave this way towards her own children too. For the baby's sake I hope it's a boy. It's unfortunately already got a psycho for a mom.

This is one case where I hope for a miscarriage.

You sound as though you only blame your sister. What about your husband???

Your husband and your sister are both terrible people. Divorce him, and go NC with her.

Your husband is also at fault for banging your sister, birth control or not. Get divorced ASAP. I'd cut them both out of your life. You don't need that kind of poison.