Communication tool

By Anonymous - 10/10/2012 21:48 - Canada - Winnipeg

Today, my husband let me know he felt I was ignoring him by jabbing me in the right ear with his erect penis while I was Skyping with my mum overseas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 322
You deserved it 6 181

Same thing different taste


4 - If OP had her webcam on, then that's probably what her mom said.

tsent8 15

At least he got to the point of the matter with that jab. Wow what a dick

He saw you concentrating on your conversation and didn't want to frighten you. He just wanted to make sure you could hear him cuming... *See what I did there*

Did he watched that family guy episode with the ear sex?

WOW. What an incredibly immature asshole! Husband material? I think not! FYL, OP!

megusta3 5

You sound like an annoying little child.

MorganXAlexander 6

72- and what does that make you for paying attention to it? Nice job bitch

wow, i believe you should commit him for your safety. imagine where he could stick that thing next time

thats kind of rude, he coulda just said something instead of that. FYL op

Lmao don't feel bad that is something my husband would attempt doing also