Come on!

By prochainefois - 31/01/2014 21:05 - France - Paris

Today, I was in the process of finally losing my virginity. Part way through, my neighbour started shouting from his backyard, "Come on Nicolas! You can do it!" He was talking to his son, but the two of us have the same name. I couldn't finish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 408
You deserved it 6 915

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You'd think a quote like that would inspire you to finish faster.

I wish If had my hype man on my first time maybe he coulda pushed me to longer than 10 seconds


are you really sure he was talking to his son?

everyone likes some penis pep talk right?

Maybe he named his son after you! Kidding of course. Still, maybe your GF could have got you back into the mood to try again?

We all know he was really cheering you on. Go for the gold!! Or the pink, or brown.. whatever you're into. ;)

Maybe he was secretly cheering for you!

perdix 29

I don't think you can translate this back to French, but I think your female would call you "Dickless Nicholas." In English, it rhymes!

Haha they were just words of encouragement

was your window open or something? how did you hear him? he mustve been screaming pretty loud then.

What do you live in a house made of paper?