Chris Hansen time

By lloydLO - 24/10/2009 02:23 - United States

Today, I met and asked a cute girl out on a date. We decided to meet at a fancy restaurant downtown. When I got there I saw her sitting with what turned out to be her parents. They made a huge scene, calling me a pedophile and a low-life. Apparently, the girl was 16 years-old. I'm 25. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 131
You deserved it 13 609

Same thing different taste

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Does anyone else get irritated when someone is attracted to someone else who is SEXUALLY mature but underage and gets called a pedophile. Do people not get what a pedophile is? There's a difference between perv and pedo.

Strangely, when she's 18, it won't matter you're 9 years ahead. But yes, as Tayrn said, you have to find out. Unless you met in a place where you could mroe safely assume it (bar, college campus, etc), then that's a FYL.


Strangely, when she's 18, it won't matter you're 9 years ahead. But yes, as Tayrn said, you have to find out. Unless you met in a place where you could mroe safely assume it (bar, college campus, etc), then that's a FYL.

even if she was at a bar or college campus, legally its still the guys fault. sucks, but its the law. and actually if you were in north carolina, everything was legal:

girls are lookin older everyday. dont forget under 18 gets you 40

treesdevin 0

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He means 40 years of prison, dumbass. Yes. ******* hilarious.

That's only if you have sex though. If nothing sexual happens nothing can really be said, expect that it's a little weird.

hey, if she honestly looked around 18+ then you wouldn't randomly ask someone their age!

qazwerty 5

I always thought you're not supposed to ask a woman her age?

Yeah, that xD It all depends on where they met, but if the girl wasn't of age why did she accept the date? Really she should have told him, shouldn't be up to the older person to ask.

No you are not unless you ask and they say for example 30 and then you say what! I would've sworn you were at least 22!

Sadly, many people spend their entire lives trying to look older, then trying to look younger. They try to stay an "ideal" age forever, buuuut... Yeah.

Does anyone else get irritated when someone is attracted to someone else who is SEXUALLY mature but underage and gets called a pedophile. Do people not get what a pedophile is? There's a difference between perv and pedo.

Well... "In law enforcement, the term "pedophile" is generally used to describe those accused or convicted of child sexual abuse or the sexual abuse of a minor, including both prepubescent children and pubescent or post-pubescent adolescents." -Wikipedia So, it's the "correct" term for this particular situation. Hell in this sense someone who is 18 going out with someone who is 17 is a pedo. [shrugs]

Ah, is that so? Well, that's enlightening. Though in any case, since the younger is a minor, sexual relations are a no-no is most states.

Them dating probably isn't legal. His putting his Tonka Truck in her playpen in order to dump a load is probably illegal though.

Yeah, age of consent in the UK is 16, but 18 for anal.

aiezaiza 0

Actually...the legal definition of paedophile rather than pervert is someone who has sexual desires of performs sexual acts on a child under 13, and they themselves are at least 16 and at least 5 years older than the victim. This stands because a 16 year old with a 15 year old girlriend could easily be called a paedophile...which would make no sense.

ok, so, well my boyfriend is going to turn 18 soon and im 15, wat does that make him when he becomes an adult??

aiezaiza 0

I may have to reply later as my PC just got a virus and won't let me access anything but Facebook and FML...which is a FML I guess. LOL.

actually technically if you're 17 and going out with an 18 year old it's fine, even 16 and 18+. 16 is the legal age where a teenager reaches the maturity to make their own decisions sexually. technically the parents can't interfere (through the law)

so can me and my boyfriend still be together when he turns 18???

collegekid13 0

Just because one is sexually mature doesn't that s/he is mentally mature enough for sex. Yes, there are teens who engage in sexual activity, but that doesn't make it appropriate and they often wind up f*d up in more ways than one. I'm not blaming the OP on this one and the case year isn't the age difference, but that she's a teen lacking all her brain cells (which is probably why she hit on an older guy like the OP in the first place) and he's a mature adult.

19990231 29

15, at least in my state, there are laws protecting relationships between minors when one turns 18. For example, my girlfriend and I who are 16 and 17 respectively, can legally have sex when I turn 18 because we have been dating for a certain amount of time and there is less than 2 year gap in our age.

Also, most states have the "age of consent" at 16. That means as long as the person they are doing things with is under 21, it's not illegal. I had to look up all the laws up about this cuz my boyfriend was 16 when I turned 18...

Scootythedog 17

****** love Scrubs. You made my day.

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Women won't tell their age. It's like a law of life.

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But I think it's okay if they are your sister.

Nope, 'dating' a minor, regardless of age difference, is totally legal in all states. I'm fourteen and my boyfriend is eighteen. However, engaging in sexual activity with anyone under the age of consent in the state you're in, is illegal.

MiseryMan 0

OP forgot to mention that he met her at a toy store, picking out a new dress for her barbie doll.

**** Barbie and her other skanky friends!! Transformers is where it's at, bitch!

And Bratz are the ***** of the plastic doll world (most are on crack anyways). Oh and by the way, I'm from NC and I think I was there when this happened... I remember I was eating my food (not gonna say what restaurant) when I saw an older couple calling a man (looked in his 20s) a pedophile.... interesting.... Oh and the girl looked about 20 (she was defenitely hot).

#86, on crack. People who claim they were at FMLs when they happened are just wtf...

i know... it's just disgusting. and sad.