Cheap-ass perv!

By Allison Arsenault - 07/06/2020 08:08

Today, I found out my boyfriend of 5 years thinks that it is too expensive to get married, go on vacations, concerts, etc., but spends $100+/month on Hentai. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 947
You deserved it 473

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bro if hes paying for **** hes a ******* idiot. run girl.

You should break up with him. You deserve better.


You should break up with him. You deserve better.

He spends $100 a month on what’s important to him. why don’t you save up $100 a month for things that are important to you?

bro if hes paying for **** hes a ******* idiot. run girl.

I know right! $100/month is a crazy amount too. He probably needs professional help

tounces7 27

Hell not even real ****, cartoon ****.

Toll@CS 0

Maybe date someone at the same intelligence level as you. just saying hes got a ****** up addiction. RUN!

He does have a point: His investment in Hentai will last a long time, while the expenses of vacations, concerts and marriage can only be enjoyed for a short while, then they are gone.

$100 a month isn’t nothing compare to marriage, vacations, etc.

tounces7 27

You can certainly afford to go to concerts for that amount. And Marriage doesn't actually cost hardly's the wedding that costs money, which is frankly optional.

Anyone that actually pays for **** in an idiot... especially paying for cartoon ****. Get you a better man.

Adult male who watches japanimation? Not marriage material! Move on.

Glad he isn’t simping and buys what he wants