By Anonymous - 07/10/2016 16:37 - Australia - Brisbane

Today my daughter asked me to do her a huge favor : undergo a liposuction transplantation where my fat would be sucked out then put into her butt and thighs. Apparently, I am the fattest DNA match to her, lessening the risk of her rejecting the transplant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 680
You deserved it 1 153

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"I get my rockin' bod from my mom." "Yeah, genetics are pretty cool." "You misunderstand me…"

Is she paying for it? If someone wanted some of my fat, they could have it as long as I didn't have to pay anything. That's a win for both of us.


TweetAnne 13

Mothers give life and sacrifices for their children. Undergoing plastic surgery for them is way too much.

After that make sure her hairs blonde and she gets a Starbucks OP!

Is she paying for it? If someone wanted some of my fat, they could have it as long as I didn't have to pay anything. That's a win for both of us.

nah surgery is too scary for me! plus no cells are 100% match unless youre a twin so correct me if I'm wrong but this girl will have to be on immunosuppressive meds for the rest of her life

I'd call that a win if it were me free Liposuction to get rid of my fat assuming my kid pays otherwise no go for me too

But why would you want to add fat to your body? If you want a bigger butt or thighs, do heavy squats and dead lifts.

22, I don't think you realize just how lazy some people can be.

"I get my rockin' bod from my mom." "Yeah, genetics are pretty cool." "You misunderstand me…"

I like big butts and I cannot lie, you other brothers can't deny.

Xquisite1 28

Who else saw when the site was temporarily "hacked" today?

rockyhorrorQT 12
Xquisite1 28

#19 A hacker temporarily took over the site, threatened to leak user data unless they were given a certain amount of bit coins. The post showed the hackers post rather than a real FMLs instead.