Caught in 4K

By Safe - 17/04/2009 23:15 - United States

Today, my girlfriend left her phone on a bus. With no way to pick it up, I drove 40 miles through Friday night Boston traffic to get it from the bus company office. It took me four hours. Bored in traffic, I discovered the texts from her other boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 87 701
You deserved it 5 032

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you found out about it and can now dump the bitch.

oreomaple123 0

Wow that sucks.. I would texted back the guy and said Hey turns out I'm cheating on you and not tell her that...That would show her..


mateo7 0

Dump the bitch! After you send a few sabotaging text messages to him first...

I hope you kept the phone!! Use it to your advantage!!

dizz0rder 0

call her over for a proper ******* session, as if nothing happened. **** the bitch in the ass and / or mouth a good one, and finish in her mouth, and bonus points for making her swallow. then tell her you know what you know, and tell the bitch to split and never come back. then take the camcorder from the corner, and see if the video looks good. then you have everything you need to start the fun part :)

anesterov 0

How does the fact that he found something can excuse sniffing? I mean honestly. I wouldn't be surprised to see another FML like: My boyfriend was so nice to go get my phone bla bla but he sniffed it and found joke messeages me and my friend were sentind to each other so see if his gf was a f'fin snitch. Now he thinks i am cheating on him.... P.S. #27 There is absolutely nothing wrong with ass to mouth, feels g8.

aw! Sorry! Why do the nice guys get f'ed over!?

tdawgheath 0

That bitch!!!! I would throw it out of the moving vehicle and say someone stole it.

Jessyca_fml 0

Are all relationships as messed up as this ....It sucks when you find out that your girlfriend had two boyfriends...why or the opposite...why does that happen???

rt523 0

well. that sucks. text the guy and depending on whether or not he knew about you (from the text messages), tell him whats going on or mess with his head. (pretend to be her and tell him you have AIDS or something) text everyone in her phone and show what a ***** she is. destroy the phone. break up with her publicly and humiliate her. then find a girl worth your time :)