Caught in 4K

By Safe - 17/04/2009 23:15 - United States

Today, my girlfriend left her phone on a bus. With no way to pick it up, I drove 40 miles through Friday night Boston traffic to get it from the bus company office. It took me four hours. Bored in traffic, I discovered the texts from her other boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 87 700
You deserved it 5 030

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you found out about it and can now dump the bitch.

oreomaple123 0

Wow that sucks.. I would texted back the guy and said Hey turns out I'm cheating on you and not tell her that...That would show her..


At all the people who say "throw the phone in the traffic, dump her instantly", this is clearly not the way. I would note the number of boyfriend #2 and get in contact with him, making up some plan to show this bitch! Something evil, yet subtle. Thats the way to go!

AntiChrist7 0

your girlfriend is stupid, that you choose her makes you even more stupid. That you drive for a phone makes you ultra-stupid. YDI

Forty miles in four hours sounds brutal

dancercuity922 0

wow what a bitch. dump her ass and take her phone with you.

Caliber08 0

I understand how Boston traffic SUCKS. What a bitch!

You know what, she's a ****. Don't waste too much time. Don't even bother trying to get back at her. Just leave with your dignity like the gentleman that you seem to be. Good luck and sorry :( xoxo

Shouldn't have been looking. Yeah, she's a bitch, but you going through her personal shit makes you a scummy git too.

she would have been dealt with HARD . but don't waste your time with her . ps boston traffic is soo bad & soo boring

mavsfan41 0

You should take all the numbers out your phone put em in yours then next time she give you head, text everybody with the results. :) Then dump her, there is alot better out there, keep ya head up boo. BTW #45 FTW!!!

The only reason someone would get so angry over 'snooping' would be if they had something to hide.