Burning through money

By Anonymous - 26/10/2010 13:50 - United Kingdom

Today, I was told that all the data on my laptop is unrecoverable after my hard drive crashed. I have been charged £300 for them to tell me this. Feeling sorry for myself, I wrapped myself up in a blanket and turned on my fan radiator as it's so cold… and promptly set my carpet on fire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 800
You deserved it 3 898

Same thing different taste


imright24 0

Not your fault. Backing up computer data is for everyone else, not you. And ignore that burning smell. It's not like it's actually on fire yet.

crystalbeee 0

r u a moron. u must be to take it somewhere where they even charge to get a quote. let alone £300. which is y I believe this is a fake story. go and get some friends instead of making cr4p up.

Are you a martian?! Learn some English, please, for heaven's sake. You can't write that someone's a moron when your own sentences are completely illegible. Unless you're four and a half years old, or have no fingers, there's no excuse for it. This poor woman, it sounds like the sort of stuff that happens to me.

SirPlagueRat 6

Are* You* Why* Yeah and there's this little key, it says "Shift" on it. You use that so you can capitalize things. Amazing, huh? (AMIDOINITRITE? No? Okay. :|)

The grammar Nazi thing is getting annoying

I would have give them £300 caps, smiled, and walked away with my computer.

NotSoUndeadZombi_fml 0

that's what you get for being British. USA ftw :D

I just laughed. I'm sorry. I've caused a fire too. Insurance did buy my parents a new bedroom though :)