By Melie-Melo - 16/12/2008 07:55 - United Kingdom

Today, after repairing the toilet, the light, the shower, the cooker and the heater in the flat I've just moved into, my boiler dies. It's mid December, about 1 degree outside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 112
You deserved it 2 185

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Easy_Target 0

See, this is where you start leaving flaming bags of sh*t in front of your landlady's door.

littlec_fml 0


Easy_Target 0

See, this is where you start leaving flaming bags of sh*t in front of your landlady's door.

littlec_fml 0

15 people put "you deserved that one" I mean seriously what the hell?!

thats in nebraska in the dead of winter and then you can complain..or hell come here now! we've got 6" of snow! lol

6 inches of snow is alot?!? I live in the 'great white north' aka Canada. we have 3 feet of snow in one day. suck it up. and, op, suck it up. one degree is warm.

TheBigWaffle 6

I got 11 feet last year, so I win

Man, you totally can't complain. It's May, and we just had snow. 1 degree in mid-december would be a complete blessing!

you people know nothing of what winter is! I live in northern Alberta, and November-March it is -40 some winters. And no just because I live in Northern Canada does not mean I live in a danm igloo. I have never seen one before . But really stop complianing get a space heater or something safer and stop whining! LOL

LOL yea I live in Winnipeg! people complain.. -1 degree in December :( that's swimming weather for most canadians! LOL

True that bro! It was snowing in March!

You don't know what winter is right? Where I live,wich is in New Brunswick,Canada we have winters with -40, -1 is REALLY fun to have during winter around here..

Giant85 0

yeah well....I live in Colorado and it snows and it's cold at times so...HA! think you know winters

HamsteronA 0

stop showing off how cold your winter is it's spamming it up and we all know 1 degree isn't cold. STFU

all u shut up. u guys thinks it's so cool to have -40 degree weather and that-1 is nothing. well u guys won't be so smug wen ops having 80 degrees summer like me and ur summers r 20 degrees. get a life

sunshineegirl 2

wow 11.. in ND we have 70-100 degree summers and 30 to -60 degree winters. most of the time it's below zero in winter and at least 80 in summer. so stfu.

wow live my life and youll be happy 1de even exists