Burn the witch!

By fanaticalfuckspawn - 25/08/2014 20:14 - United States - Santa Cruz

Today, I told my mom I've been taking yoga lessons, and that it'd be cool if she took some with me. She immediately went on a rant, calling yoga "satanic" and accusing me of trying to get her into "devil worship". Well, that's the last time I try to patch our relationship up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 169
You deserved it 3 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

myoukei 31

Your mom definitely needs the yoga more than you do OP!

Okay, your mom sounds like a ******* crazy person.


lunadaisy12 16

well, back in the day (waaaay back lol), Yoga WAS done to allow a demon to enter your body. All those positions were to relax and allow the demon to enter lol

Yea not many people are aware of that. Supposedly each pose is used to call a different god or something like that.

Not every word is based on english yoga has nothing to do with yoking dont know where you get the information, also don't know if you are joking #57 but if you aren't then you got a message from upstairs telling you that hindugl gods are false and yours are true ?

samy_yo 12

Did you read the part that said "most people think"?

Perpetually do the dead man's pose in the living room surrounded by red candles

How the hell is yoga possibly satanic? I guess that means being sexy, toned, and flexible will be a ticket straight to hell then.

Well, not to be rude, but every position represents a god/goddess, and the reason that yoga was created in its most basic sense, was to worship those gods/goddess. If your mother is a not a Hindu and highly religious, she probably wouldn't want to do that. I'd encourage you to look this up as well. Very interesting.

Well... It is an easy mistake to make to compare yoga to worshipping the devil. All that bowing and scraping combined with the unnatural, completely self-inflicted bending and torturous stretching could easily lead one to assume evil is involved.

Yeah my mom thinks the same thing about yoga. They be crazy. FYL