By Sigh - 23/05/2009 05:50 - United States

Today, I decided to tell my mother what I thought about religion. I've been raised catholic. I told her I was converting to Wicca, to which she sort of nodded and walked away. I went into my room to study with my earbuds in, music loud. I walked out to see a cross nailed above my door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 984
You deserved it 34 869

Same thing different taste

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ZiggyMorrison 0

I sense a big theological debate in the works on this one any minute now oh and atleast she didnt throw holy water on you screaming THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELLS YOU!!!!!!!!!

#14: I judge all religion as bad for society, but there are some that are worse than others. #11: Google's your friend, but it's one of the Pagan religions, based around peace with nature and all living things. Its beliefs including never harming any living being except for food or self defense and the "Rule of Three" which states that if you hurt someone, you'll get hurt back three times as bad (and likewise, if you do good, good will come to you three times as strong). As far as religions go, it's probably one of the best out there.


Meowff 0

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tsunamisurfer08 3

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FYL Catholics are the worst when it comes to not understanding other religions. Now that you're studying wicca, though, remember the rule of three; someone's gonna come and spit on her insensitivity. All will be well.

Don't just generalise people in a religion

ZiggyMorrison 0

I sense a big theological debate in the works on this one any minute now oh and atleast she didnt throw holy water on you screaming THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELLS YOU!!!!!!!!!

#3 Nah bro, what about Baptists? And that was an awfully ignorant comment to make. OP- could have been a lot worse. Screamin' and rantin'. A cross nailed to your door isn't that bad.

my catholic mom is the same way, i'm an agnostic.

Ouch, and I thought my mother took it badly when I told her I was atheist.