Burn the witch!

By fanaticalfuckspawn - 25/08/2014 20:14 - United States - Santa Cruz

Today, I told my mom I've been taking yoga lessons, and that it'd be cool if she took some with me. She immediately went on a rant, calling yoga "satanic" and accusing me of trying to get her into "devil worship". Well, that's the last time I try to patch our relationship up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 168
You deserved it 3 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

myoukei 31

Your mom definitely needs the yoga more than you do OP!

Okay, your mom sounds like a ******* crazy person.


cheymgurl 4

As someone who has only done yoga once, got tired after 5 minutes, and is Indian, I can assure you that the ability needed to do it for long periods of time is not human and might be a bit on the supernatural side

titibug823 11

I do it for an hour and fifteen minutes regularly. Its will power and finding your inner strength

Sigh... And so many people see nothing wrong with following a cult because millions of others do it. This is one of the closed-minded, hate-spewing, condemning ideas that come from said cult. It's kind of ridiculous, really.

Try something she likes maybe watch a movie together or something

Ahh the things people don't realise these days. End times are coming.

I guess she isn't that flexible. Sorry to hear that.

Older people are more set in their ways...trying tl change them? Classic rookie mistake...itll be okay OP. Get fit. Rule the world. Proud o' youuu!

samy_yo 12

The word Yoga means Yoke. What most people think is that you are actually being yoked to Hindu false god demons. Because Yoga was created by Hindus that worship literally thousands of false gods otherwise known as demons. So your mom has a point if that's what she believes.

nitrog100 21

That's actually relatively accurate information. The earliest reference to 'yoga' was yoking a beast of burden. What we know as yoga is an amalgamation of traditional stretches and exercises that was slapped together during British occupation.