
By Anonymous - 12/07/2015 19:39 - United Kingdom

Today, a customer at the restaurant where I work reduced me to tears by screaming at me, as I nearly knocked out his 2-year-old with the kitchen door, after he let the little boy play on the floor behind it. Apparently, it's my fault I can't see through solid wood. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 646
You deserved it 1 945

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I see nothing wrong with a human door stop. However, it should be the dad because he clearly has no mental activity.

bryce0110 23

I can't see his brain, either.


Some people just shouldn't be parents what a asshole.

Wow. What an asshole. He should have known that the kitchen doors are always busy being in a restaurant or establishment that serves food. Wtf? I'm sorry you had to go through that, OP! Definitely would have stuck up for you had I have been there. Kinda wish someone did.

Wtf that's so unfair OP, I hope you didn't lose your job over it. :(

iAbe 7

It's clearly not your fault so don't sweat it. If anything the dad is a shitty parent for letting his son play in front of a kitchen door.

Parents have as little accountability as kids these days. It's always someone else's fault.

Well at least he'll take better care of his son in the future

Doubtful, since he didn't seem to see anything wrong with what he did. Since it was all OP's fault for not being able to see through doors there's no reason for the dad to do anything differently next time. He'll just keep letting his kid play right in other people's way and keep blaming the other people.

The xray glasses didn't work (no refunds)

It's strange, it's like as soon as some people walk into a business they suddenly stop being parents and make the employees look after their kids instead. I had so many times when working in a shop where kids would fight, scream, cause a mess, etc and the parents would look at me and ask me what I was going to do about it. Just because I'm an employee doesn't mean I suddenly take sole responsibility for the kids.

I find this when people bring their kids or dogs to my home too, they feel they are here to relax and since I am hosting our get together, I am also babysitting.

I find this too. So annoying. When our daycare parents come to the door to pick up their kid and their kid acts out at the door (like they usually do to test and see how their parents will react), they often just let their kids behave badly. To the point where the kid (3 yrs old) will look at my mom (daycare provider) while doing something bad, because they know my mom would never let them behave that way and are basically asking "what are you going to do about it?" So there are time where my mom will step in and actually discipline them or react because the parents don't. My cousin, mom and I (all work with kids in daycare) were just talking tonight about some of the idiot parents we've had. One of the stupidest ones we get; the kid shows up in shorts in -30C weather, and the parent goes, "I'm sorry, she's coming in shorts today because she wouldn't let me put her pants on and kept telling me no," so now there is a kid here in shorts with freezing weather outside and we have to take this kid outside to the bus stop to pick up other kids! This kind of crap happens all the time because the kid says no or didn't want to do what the parent said, and the parent is somehow ok with this. They have no control at all. Who's the parent here? Who's in charge? *rant over* lol.

Didn't you know your supposed to have x-Ray vision? But sorry OP he should've had a better watch on his kid and not let him play behind there.

Something like this happened when I worked at the pet store. We had wire cages and people always stuck their fingers in and got bitten despite the hundreds of signs wanting them. One guy wasn't watching his kid and she was bitten by a rat. He started bitching that we should have vicious animals and I just lost it and told him he should have been watching her. The guy yelled at me for a while and then said I was lucky he was "a nice guy" or he'd get me fired. I was so incredibly pissed.

He might be a nice guy but he’s clearly a shit parent