Bizarre Love Triangle

By Anonymous - 23/06/2020 08:08

Today, after going down on me and dry humping me in bed, my boyfriend told me he was having second thoughts about me while I was away for a few days. Apparently, he spent time with my best friend who set us up. She asked him to hypothetically propose to her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 758
You deserved it 170

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This feels like "Inception." Isn't dry humping hypothetical coitus? If your friend asked him to propose, isn't she really doing the proposing?


This feels like "Inception." Isn't dry humping hypothetical coitus? If your friend asked him to propose, isn't she really doing the proposing?

bloopaloop 27
XxxT3rr4xxX 25

I hope you aren't friends with that girl anymore. You honestly don't need either of them in your life. Do away with the negativity.

J15237 25

Time to end that relationship. Cheating is uncalled for and it may be time to end the friendship as well.