The pits

By stinkypits - 23/06/2020 14:00

Today, I started six weeks of radiation on my left axillary region. Besides not being able to shave my armpit, I also can’t use lotion of any kind near the area, nor wear deodorant. This wouldn’t be a problem except it’s summer and I live in Southern California. The sweat is killing me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 451
You deserved it 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Then, the pandemic lockdown is a lucky break for you! Some people have lost their sense of smell, most others wear masks and everyone's supposed to maintain distance. Maybe you should use an extra mask over your left armpit!

Take a pile of wash rags and wet them down. Put each in a sandwich bag and place them in the freezer. When you feel yourself perspiring wipe the area with a fresh cold wash rags. Takes away stink and closes your sweat pores for a little while.


I can see somebody showering 5 times a day! OR, the neighbors calling the police!

Then, the pandemic lockdown is a lucky break for you! Some people have lost their sense of smell, most others wear masks and everyone's supposed to maintain distance. Maybe you should use an extra mask over your left armpit!

Take a pile of wash rags and wet them down. Put each in a sandwich bag and place them in the freezer. When you feel yourself perspiring wipe the area with a fresh cold wash rags. Takes away stink and closes your sweat pores for a little while.

Suaria 38

You could get perfume or cologne too.