Bizarre Love Triangle

By awkward - 27/02/2011 12:39 - Finland

Today, my mom got me a job working for the man she's cheating on my dad with. My dad doesn't know that she's cheating, and my mom doesn't know that I know. It's just awkward. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 823
You deserved it 4 059

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Have you thought about maybe confronting your mom? I mean, how can you carry on with your daily life knowing that your mom is cheating on your dad? On principle alone, I wouldn't work for the guy that my mom is having an affair with. Grow a pair and talk to your parents.


Autoshot 9

You do realize that this literally makes you a son of a bitch, right? I'm sorry OP, FYL.

mommyofbraeden 0

How do you know for sure that she's cheating?

I'd use it to my advantage... bribery!! holy he'll you've only been here a week and allready a promotion?.. :P

the dictionary definition of awkward has just been changed for you...

Sounds like a good start to a tv drama

kingtz 6

OP, fyl for having such a whorebag of a **** for a mom...hopefully you won't model yourself after that.

omg why is everyone saying take the job? I wouldn't give two ***** about the job. I would tell the dad! he doesnt deserve to be treated like this

You ppl are telling her to tell her dad but I would keep silent or OPs mom'll hate her and the dad will dump her mom and she will probably have to stay with mom and mom'll hate her

minktheshrink 0

blackmail! wait... has that been said?

shrdlu 28

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!