Our secretive

By Anonymous - 21/11/2019 15:00 - Australia - Bonnyrigg

Today, my mom is 44 years old, and she is cheating on my dad with my friend who is 19. And she's paying me to keep her secret. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 641
You deserved it 1 041

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is a difficult position for you to be in and unfair of her to put you in it. My automatic response is 'is the money worth it?' If I were your Dad I would be devastated and I would feel like my child loved money more than me. but things are always more complicated than that and it is not fair of your Mum to put you in that position.

Sounds like mommy has been doing this for yrs. your dad will feel betrayed by both of you


That is a difficult position for you to be in and unfair of her to put you in it. My automatic response is 'is the money worth it?' If I were your Dad I would be devastated and I would feel like my child loved money more than me. but things are always more complicated than that and it is not fair of your Mum to put you in that position.

You now have an example of how not to raise any children you might have in the future. Sorry you've been made part of your mother's sexuality, her marriage issues, and that she's decided to prey on your friends.

Sounds like mommy has been doing this for yrs. your dad will feel betrayed by both of you

Mungolikecandy 19

Are you taking the hush money?

Mathalamus 24

I'd take the money. And then tell your dad in such a way that she didn't know it was you.

I wouldn’t care if she knew I did it. Mommy dearest doesn’t care about screwing over everyone in her path. Let her taste betrayal.

You should get as many rises from her as your friend does.

Sounds like your mom fails as a human being and you're supporting that behavior for money. You can't take money to stay quiet and then whine about it.

Get one of your 19 year old friends to hook up with your dad and see if you can get him to pay you to keep quite. With the money they are paying you hopefully you can move out

I'll be honest it kind of annoys me when people come here and are all "I know this secret that will hurt person I know please all tell me how horrible MY life is for having to know this secret" when the other person is clearly and obviously the one getting horribly screwed .